
Let's talk Photography

Is This the Best Bird Photography Lens?

Is This the Best Bird Photography Lens?

Have you ever tried taking good quality photos of birds? Birds are notoriously difficult to photograph, because they’re flighty (pun intended) and far away. Fixed focal length telephoto lenses are great at cropping in close to your feathered friends, but the decent, sharp lenses are incredibly expensive. They also restrict your composition, which is why the Nikkor 80-400mm lens may just be the best bird photography lens in the world.[…]

A bigger reach in bird photography means the difference between a good shot and a wimpy snap. A long telephoto lens will fill the frame without having to move closer to the subject, and the extra focal length increases perspective compression, which flatteringly isolates the bird from the background. Chances are, if you’ve shot with a telephoto lens that wasn’t quite long enough, you’ll know how frustrating it is when the subject is perfectly positioned but you’re not close enough.

Birds are notoriously difficult to photograph, because they’re flighty (pun intended) and far away. Fixed focal length telephoto lenses are great at cropping in close to your feathered friends, but the decent, sharp lenses are incredibly expensive. They also restrict your composition, which is why the Nikkor 80-400mm lens may just be the best bird photography lens in the world.

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