
Let's talk Photography

Apple V Facebook: Good or Bad for Photography?

Apple and Facebook Wars: Good or Bad for Photography?
A few social media platforms, especially those owned by Mark Zuckerberg, monopolize the sharing of images online. Those platforms do have controversies, and Apple’s changes to how Facebook handles data is starting to shake up that dominance

A few social media platforms, especially those owned by Mark Zuckerberg, monopolize the sharing of images online. Those platforms do have controversies, and Apple’s changes to how Facebook handles data is starting to shake up that dominance. But will it be a good thing for photography? Furthermore, should we consider doing something else with our images instead of posting to social media? There are two sides to the arguments about Facebook. It attracts the same suspicions and criticisms aimed at most major entities such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, and the other dominant players in any market sector, including photography. The main arguments fired these powerful entities is that they track and manipulate us, and, consequently, have enormous control over our lives. Also, some of them pay few taxes to support our nations’ societies. Furthermore, they are seen as undemocratic; we cannot choose an alternative. They are on the dark side! However, they are successful because they deliver what we, the consumer, ask for. Plus, they are businesses, and are under no obligation to be democratic, and most big businesses exist to make money in any legal ways possible. The Marketing Forces Awaken From a commercial point of view, […]

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